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opreting system

Foremost each other the file system is the most visible aspect of an operating system it provide the mechanism for online storage of an access to both data and program of the operating system and all the user of the computer system the file system consist of two distinct parts a collection of files is storing related data and directory structure which organised and provide information about all the files in the system...

file attribute

a file is name for the convince of its human resource and is referred to buy it name a name is usually is string or character such as example some system differentiate between a purchase and lowercase character in names where other system do not when a file is named it become independent of the process the user and even the system that created it..

file operation

a file is a abstract data type to define a file propel if we need to consider the operation that can be performance on files the operating system can provide system calls to create bright red reposition delete and trunk at files let's enzyme dot the operating system must do to perform each of the six basic file operation then be easy to see how other similar operation such as remaining a file can be implemented...

file concept

computer can store information on various story media such as magnetic disnatic tabs and optical is so that that computer system will be conversion to use the operating system provide a uniform logical view of storage information the operating system abstract from the physical properties of its storage device to define elogical storage unit of file...

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User and operating system

interface we mention earlier that there are several wise for user to interface with the operating system here we discussed to fundamental approaches on provide a commanded line interface or commanded interpreter that allow user or directly enter command to be performed by the operating system The Other hello user to interface with the operating system....

command interpreter

some operating system include the command interpreter in the Colonel other such as Windows and Unix 3 to the command interpreter as a special program that is running when a job initiated or when a user first logs on interactive system on system with multiple command interpreter to choose from the interpreters are cannot as shells for example on UNIX and liner system and others...

graphical users interface

a second strategy of interfacing with the operating system is thought a user friendly graphical user interface or GUI here rather than entiring commands directly we are command line interface user employee Mouse based window and menu system characterized by a desktop metapower the user Moves the most to position it's pointer on image for icons on the screen the desktop that represent program file direction and system function...

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Production and security

if a computer system has multiple user and allow the concurrent Exhibition of multiple process the Maxus to data must be regulated for that purpose mechanism insured that files memories segments CPU and other resource on the operated on only those processes have gained proper authorised from the operating system..

. protection

then is any mechanism of controlling the axis of process of your user to the resources Defined by computer system is mechanism was provide means to specify the my control to be imposed and two enforce the control between components subsystem early detection of interface errors and often prevention of a healthy subsystem...


security to define a system for external and internal attack such attack speed across a hug range and include various and homes Daniel of service attack which use all of system resort and so give legitment user about system priviation of some of the these attack traffic identify service consideration and operating system software...

group identifies

a user can be in one or more group depending on operating system design decision the users group ids are also include in every associated process at third..

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Operating system

and operating system is a program that managers a computer hardware it also provide a basis for application program and its as an intermediate between the computer user and computer hardware and amazing aspect or operating system is how they very in accomplishing these task main frame personal computer operating systems about Complex game business picture provide and environment in which a user can easily interface with the computer to execute program...

what operating system

you do we been our discussion by looking at the operating system rule in the moral computer system a computer system can be divide into four component the hardware the operating system the application program and the user the hardware the central Processing Unit and the memory the input output device provide the basic computing resource for the system the application program such as word procedure spreadsheet come clear and web browser define the wise in which these resource are used to solve user computing problem they operating system control the hardware and coordinate its use among the various application program for the various user..

system you from the computers

point of view the operating system is the program most initimately involved with the hardware in this contacts we can you an operating system as a resource allocated a computer system has many resource that may be required to solve a problem CPU time memory space file storage space the operating system as the manager of these resource...

computer system organisation

before we can explore the detail to how this system operate mean in general knowledge of the structure of a computer system in this section we look is several part of the structure the section is mostly concern with computer system organisation so you can scheme for skin if you already understand the concept

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Meaning and definition of ergonomics..

the term ergonomic is divide from the Greek word is gone meaning work and nominal meaning natural loss study human capitalist and relationship towards demand..


economic is concerned with the fit between people and their work it take account of the worker capital list and limitation in seaching to ensure that task equipment information and the environment suit each worker it can be define as human Engineering which study the relationship between man and his working environment economic process attempt to fit the job to the worker it aim at the workplace should be design for the use of the specific worker who is arcano it may be resign and suit a group of person it can be to different equipment should not cause discount to workers...

international economic association

defines is the scientific discipline with the understanding of instruction among humans and other elements of a system and the profession that applies theory principle data and method to design in order to optimise human well be and oral system performance...

objective of ergonomic

the following points are among the journal objective of economic and help employer and organisation and industries reduction of acutevational injuries and LINUX and discresing the disability cause of work and increasing productivity and improving the quality of work applying exacting rule...

importance of ergonomic

the design based on economic is my user friendly worker refer such as the design and comparison to the design that to not meet to the economic consideration for example if a manner Turner working on a lack has a light in Fort of his eyes he will not have a good view of the tool and the cutting because of the day in his eyes..

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Workmens compensation act is now employees compensation act 1923

in the long title to the work man compensation act 1923 for the world workmen is the word employees has been substitute and throughout the at the world workmen is replayed by the word employee this amendment has been done by the work man compensation.


the employee compensation at 1923 is one of the earliest level welfare and Society security legislation in haisted in India it recognise the fact that if an employee is a vacuum of accident of an optional decides in course of his employment he needs to be complaints and if a person is ancient to get compensation under the works man compensation act and he has don't under the ESI act he will get compensation under the employee comparison act...

objective of the act

the consider comparison payable by an employee two his workman in case of an accident as a major of life and social security and to enable and employee to get compensation ER respective of his leg legs and it Lays down the various amount pay bill in case of an accident depending up on the type and extent of Engineering the employee now cannot the amount of compensation he has to pay and its saved of many uncertainty to which he was subject before the act come into force..

employee compensation

an accident around does not give an employee right to compensation to entitle him to compassion at the hands of the employee the accident must arise out of and in the course of his employment the language in section 3 show that injuring in caused by accident and not by an accident so the engineering should be caused by accident by some...

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Meaning and definition of promotion

that and promises is one of the emotionally childbird in the field of Human Resource Management when they are vacancies in an organisation they can be filled up by the internal employees or external candidate through are the organisation prefer to fill up the vacancies by the external candidate through the X election producer the internal candidates me also apply for the post and the best test to the selected for high level job in the organisation...

definition promotion

is advancement of an employees to a better job better in term or greater responsibility more precious or status greater skill and specially increase rate of pay or Salary promotion is the upper resignment of an individual in an organisation hierarchy a complete by increase Responsibility in hands is status and usually with increase income through note always so ....

purpose of promotion

to utilise the employee skill knowledge at the appropriate level in the organisation higher ki resulting in organisational effectiveness and employee satisfaction the developed competitive speed and include the real in the employed to acquired to skill knowledge ATC required by high level job and internal source of employee ready to the tag ab job at high level in the changing environment...

basis of promotion deciding

basis of promotion in one of the most contriborizon issue in Human Resource Management because he sampling want a basis with suit him the best there are basically to basis of promotion Merit and seniorty but the products in that in any types of organisation some employees won that promotion should be based on merit will other want in on senani to basis there for the organisation phase a difficulty in choosing a basis of promotion which is able to satisfy its our needs as well...

promotion aur merit basis

merit is taken to denote in individual employees kill knowledge as ability efficiency and aptitude as measured from education and past employment record when merit is adopted as a basis for promotion and employee competence is taken into consideration and the employee who is found most competent is promoted respective of his year of service.. \

promotion on seniority

basis seniorty referred to relative light or service in the same job on the same organisation the logic behind considered the senanity as a basis of promotion is that there is a positive correlation between the light of service in the same Joe and the amount of knowledge and the level of skill acquired by an employee in an organisation..

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Meaning and definition of selection

selection is the process of eximing the applicant with regard to their suitability for the given job or jobs and choosing the best from the suitable candidates and rejected the other selection in negative in its application as it seems to eliminate as many and qualified applicant as possible in order to identify the right candidate...


selection is a series of step from initial applicant screening to final hiring of the new employees selection is the process of screening job application to ensure that the most appropriate candidates are had...

purpose and objective of selection

select suitable candidates the purpose of selection is to pick up the most suitable candidate who would meet the requirement of the job as the most suitable person is big how will eliminating the unsuitable applicant throw successive stage of selection process...

to save cost

how will a employed it method to a Joe very important because is a directly affect the amount and quality of employee work any mismatch in this regard can Coast and Organisation A grade deal of money time and trouble specifically in term of credit and operating course in course of time the employee many find the job this testicle full and live in frustration...

selection process

selection is usually a series of hurdles or steps The basic idea is to show lighting maximum possible information about the candidates to a certain their suitable for employments in the type of information required for various polution may very it is possible that selection process may have different step of various position so as is tender selection has the following step...

screening of applicant prospective

employees have to fill up some sort the application form these form have variety of information about the applicant like their personal biodata achievement experience it is such information is used to screen the applicate who are found to be qualified for the constitution of employment the information may also be used to form and record of the impulses of our selected...

selection test

many organisation hold different kinds of selection test to cannot more about them candidate all reject the candidate who cannot be called for interview

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Ability and work frome home

Why can ruined edinburgh place let levy had the privilege your discretion standard r&b work moment like quite the and i will of history it always go out of 3 singh's that work is getting worse and people i need a visit i was you are not to dinner for the cars because i lost your call it is the andover as we cannot read but that not necessarily work now da cassie likely dinner united kingdom...

maidstone on the single

size was his birthday this point where c b and q some red to well woman people working in the public sector and professional joke tote and academy facebook account for his only drive the but asap it's our way of uk joke while season and money by the characters in cities of powerful and all of men also left i get an ocean that what is become..

how do i ask for work online

.com prepared don't ring the discovered so why it's beneficial for the company does asda you more the world i love you reached all then the kids get home from his school madam what do you then it does to your own messages so that it trial trains likely make the more work and reality...

can I work from home online

you can work from the comfort of your become and a good amount good amount of money some of the popular online work from home job and content writing online tutorial web designing content marketing graphic designs social media marketing digital marketing data entry etc...

will work from home continue in 2024

and of January 2024 17% of companies are as 100% for work from home mode set the study that convert more than 500 companies with our 1 million employees mostly is the IT and ites space..

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Design and engineering

empowering innovator with the technology to lift Idea and an imagination into reality dream the impossible with oxygen we empower the innovator of the world to Red fine what is real by giving you the technology to create better product in new innovation wise..

engineering design we personalty

believe that if it can be email it can be made and so we develop our solution to remove all barriers to possibility by hercing and power of data and Technology our tools unblock tools and provide extra life the creative process it all Star TV in India and in the world of manufacturing and India is a design putting that first concept sketch down on paper iterating perfecting the look and functionality this is where the blue sky thinking happens..

design quality learn how attitude

manufacturing process stimuliz help researcher at the light project design and innovation light weight car body heat.. production insure that design intent in maintaining through the production cycle to improve productivity and constitutional deliver high quality component...

Metrology capture Real world quality

data for measurement position and inspection and use actionable information gained by analysing the result to improve manufacturing process...

computer edit Engineering software

hack season manufacturing intelligence computer edit Engineering software solution enable designer engineering and analystick to simulate product and process performance in infinite elements analysis combination dynamic and multi body dynamic as well as providing course Estimation and design Optimisation tool

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Believe ulif is a subject attitude that a prosposition is true or a state of affair is the case a subjective attitude is a mental state of having some stem stack or opinion about something in monology philosopher use the term believe to refer to attitude about the world which can be adar true or false to be something is to tag is to true for instant to be that is no is why is compreherable to accepting the truth of the prepositions snow is white... what is glee please argos address of their is important for speed you spell audible example include what is the national wife to revise was believe that was added to the virus sort of allen's is the garden of olive leaf and i needed a mile biol american estate for doodle eventful can i leave beauty all your belief i am holy abilities of water is low belfast that what is as 20 part of the golden of that belief... conception various conception of the essential feature of believe a has been proposed but there is no consecute as to which is the right one represense day shone is the traditional domains position is most popular version maintain that attitude toward representation which are typically associated with preposition are mental attitude that continues believe this attitude are part of the internal competition of the mind holding and attitude.. types believe can be categories into various type depending on their entological station their degree their subject of their its Majestic proprities dispositional heavy and accurate believe that the Grand carry on entertaining the Representation associated with this believe for example by activately thinking about it but is great are not active not most of the time... contents as mental representation believe have contents which is what is believe about or what is represent within philosophy there are variety disputes about how to content of believe are the to be a naristed holistic and molecules hold that the content of believe depend on it tutor bite by other believe blogging...
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Morality morality from latin word moralite tiles manner character proper behaviour is the differentiate of intention discuss and action between those that are this translation as proper and those that are improper morality can be a body of standard or principal divide from a code of conduct from a particular philosophy religion or culture or moral philosophy.. moral philosophy include meta ethics which in the studies abstract issue such as moral on the lodgy and moral epistemology and normative ethics which studies work consult system of moral decision as conceive good night and example of normative ethical velocity is the Golden will which state one should straight other as one would like other to trade one self... ethics ethics also cannot as moral philosophy is the branch of UP which address question of morality the word Atheist is commonly used with morality and sometimes it is used more normali to me the moral principle of a particle tradition group or individual require certain type of article theory is specific sometimes between ethics and morality... evaluation the development of modern morality is a process closely tired to social culture evaluation some evolutionary blocking particularly social biologist believe that morality is a product of evolutionary for acting at an individual level and also at the group level third group election... religious religious and morality are not synonyms morality does not depend upon religional thought for some this is an almost automatic assumption according to waste Minister dictionary of Christian ethics....
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choose and customise it theme customise the design of your show from your house themes no design experience of programming skills required..

add product

add your product to the show list your eye catching product with the best photos price and description..

shopify is hang down

the commerce system to cos to my the look and feel of oval it has full field all the needs for your online store and we will recommend it to anyone whose time and design are a Priority...

how do I start and E-Commerce business

research what product you like to sale or can source to sales select of a business name register your business with the government obtained pyramid and licence choose and e-commerce software and great your website Lord your product on to the site launch and start marketing your business...

what are the four types of e-commerce business

to consumer when you sell a good or service to an individual consumer jacket from and online retailer.. business to business when you say a good or service to another business a business sale wholesale product for another business to sale use..

consumer to consumer

when you sell a good or service to another consumer vintage cloth or Facebook Marketplace to another consumer..

Is e-commerce a profitable business

The E-Commerce industry is profitable successfully starting an eCommerce company is marathon not split it can take 18 and 24 months for your business to get over the ground is critical that you don't measure the success of your business by your first year proficitability..

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Marketing working business

of all sizes corporate and Tides organisation and even Government have embles system to streamline daily operation consequently insurance security has emerged as a promo of objective to protect data from my online registration it Technology evaluate your expertised by in Rolling in security guards lead by industry expert him for Win you with the knowledge and skill needed for comprehensive data protection..

the evolving landscape of digital

traits that landspeaker digital trace has undergone a proud found transformation over the past few details given by technology advancement and the digital intercontinence of our world as your security lies on digital technology for communication commerce and Critical instructional and trees landscape has evolved in cambably and this detail it exploration will believe into the various facts of the its like characteristic....

increasing sophistication

one on the most notable Trance in the digital trade landscape is an increasing of Cyber attack attack contently developed new techniques and studied to branch is securities system is still consistive data or discovered critical service centre including the availability of powerful hacking tools the pro live ration of Cyber crime group..

diverse attack

vectors digital many attack weapon including my where is where and did U.S attack these attack have become more shell with attackers combining multiple method to achieve their goals for example to the deployment of Malware that increase data...

target variety

digital traits are no longer limited to tradition target like large computers and government Agencies similar business Health Care Organisation Institution and our individual are now prime target this deviceification of target is driving by the option information...

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Social engineer

most social engineering attack really on actual communication between attack and times the attacker 10 to motivate the user into comprehensive himself rather than using broad force method to Breach your data The Attack cycle gives criminals a reliable process for deciding use tab for the social engineering attacked cycle are usually as follows...

traits of social engineering attack

social engineering attack Centre around the attackers use for personal and continent when exponent do these practice your more likely to tag action your otherwise would among most attack you will find yourself being MS LED into the following behaves..

trust bleability

is invaluable and essential to a social engineering a taxi in the attacker is ultimately lying to you confident place and important Not Here they done enough results can you to Craft in narrative these as it to be and unlikely to Rose such there as some acceptation to these trade in some cases attackers use more simply stick method of social engineering to win network or computer Access for example a hacker Mighty and the public code of a large office building and shoulders food user working on their tablet or laptops..

types of social engineering attack

almost every types of cyber security attack condense some kind of social engineering for example the Classic email and various system are social our tones social engineering and impact you digital it through mobile attack in additional to desktop device...

try to watch out in 2024 business

of all size corporate entities organisation and even Government have impressed computerised system to systemine daily operation consequently injury cyber security has emerge as a promount objective to protect data from many online treats and instruction..

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online tratment doctor

This is a good alternative for times when you can have to visit a doctor physically at the clinic or hospital and online doctor consultation work the same way as a physical consultation where you get a doctor not after the consultation is complete..

which online doctor is best variety

of care health tips and best for insurance coverage and best for partially and pregnancy and best for sexual health and best for doctor choice and best for most budget friendly good rack..

is Apollo online consultation good

ask Apollo provides the user a trust worthly source of personalised Health and welding advise which can be Axis from anyone at the hour of need it is first service in India a practice evidence base medicine to doctor quality of clinic delivery..

is Practo free for doctor

the listing on bread to comes absolutely free and is independent of other field practice firstly register yourself on practice left over 11 profile type from the block two option if you are a medical practicense start by entiring your field of study..

is Google better than doctor

doctor have his friend Here studying and practicing medicine and they have the experience and expertise you cut to diagnose and treat licence on the other hand Google search is can provide a while doing on information include include and unrealible sources

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Health and fitness blocking what is a fitness block a block fitness is an online tool that it's you share your best advance information and expertise and other people fitness blow ideas include how to instructional post Fitness Club news interesting training techniques and nutrition tips and more.. is health and fitness block profitable finally starting a health block can be lucrative way to share your patient for health and villain will other by following the step and monetizing your block through advertising responsored content marketing digital product and coaching service you can try your block into a profitable business.. how do I write a fitness block choose a neech what kind of fitness are you most persons again about great high quality content your block post should be Valu return non-mitting and engaging public regularly from what you are a blog intract with you one reader... how do I monetize my fitness block digital product such as workout plans meal plan or fitness guide can be sold two monetize if it is nice other option include opening online coaching or training service running fitness challenge in selling fitness related and utilising Advertising platform.. can I started fitness block getting a fitness block is strategies actually quite simple you must need to make tag the time to set up your blow and design it will you want right great content and promote your block so people can find it once you have got a block people can find... who pains a blogger basically if you help a company make a sell the might be billing to pay you a Commission many companies large and small have applicate program that Global can join after you sing up you get a unique link for a specific product if someone click that link and them make a purchase you get well..
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Blogging blogging is one of the most important effective voice to connect your business with the larger audience came there trust and eventually convert them to customer the key is to have consistent engaging content... why should your business have a block to start company have privatize marketing such as blogging are three times more likely to see positive organic traffic and s e r p visibility of your website the more you are post to the more audience will engage with you hair at media we can know the secret source of what make a good blog post having development content for all kinds of businesses our concerned accounts for approximately per month inclined traffic value we are understand that content creation can be a time.. educational post creating educational post content is a crucial step in the buyer joinery letting your meet customer at any stage of the Decision Process these types of post help your audience feel more inform and confident about investing in your product or service.. answer Ek common problem in your industry in this digital age the internet is the go to resource for immediate solution as a company make it a goal to answer common problem in your industry doing so will help us to your awareness and organic website traffic to of many benefit when writing with SEO is top of mined... make a these was that comparison create a helpful comparison post of your product with that of a computer educating your audience on the difference and how yours in particular may better alive with their needs.. future guest post from industry expert inviting and industry expert to share tips and inside on your block in an excellent way to build credibility in your industry and increase brand awareness for example your gas contributed may share the post across their social platform helping drive traffic to your side..
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Business blog s are often manage and run bySaaS companies theme cells as a strategic components of their overall marketing effort their primary goal is to provide value to prospective customer anxiety user and other shareholder by share software related content rather than monetising the I am to bring visitor further down the sales final... Technology block Tech block to Sir As a hub for the ladies update review and inside into Technology get is gets software cyber security and AI this block meat is right for monetization strategy such as brown responsible post and placement but can also be a great thoughts of company from partnership.. explain of sport and fitness block yoga general world are example of block in the sports and fitness runner world for intense publishers more than article and guide.. personal development blog the act of man lines life hack and Tiny Buddha are example of sites in the personal development beside regular blowing dry Buddha offer a Gmail marketing challenges with inside Sun directly to their subscriber inbox.. personal development block personal development blog focus on self improvement life hack and personal growth usually they are more narrative phase and introspective than other blogging me there are many wise to monetize effort in this block reach blogger with the a following can take advantages of offering online course or coaching service beginner can focus on affiliate marketing for self and people follow the other on social media personal development below are frequently accompanyd by social media profile... finance and investing block the point and invest media are example of website in money related to nature wealth group their cannot into a few categories Day cover a lot of topics Vinita category they are choose to highlight strategies please of content directly in their navigation for Quikr axis.. finance and investment block the finance and investment bro neech is space to create a blog in our PM pay outs 10 to be the highest and you can make money from 7 channel like applicates and you later I'll thought extramark competitive and faily straightener creating finance and environment related blow can offer some more the highest among belong need ...
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What is wages introduction

weges or salary of a is a fixed compensation and paid two person for regular work is a regular payment usually monthly met to employee as their contribution to the service of the organisation it is an important elements in directing effort and performance toward organisation goals it is a motivator to the organisation goals....


pay constitutes the most important single factor among the attraction of public services it is factor about which the employees are most sensitive way in organisation is fixed for various categories based on it types of Jo performance by the incumbent they only safe it that government should pay only that much to their employees as a necessary to obtain requirement of the right is time and two maintain theme in such a degree of comfort and dignity as you will share for Temptation and keep them efficient for the term or their services...

activities involved in wages determination

job evaluation job evaluation facilities the comparison of wages rate with those of other employees in addition it also clear files the function responsibility and authority of employee.

. job assignment

at this stage information about is job is made available to the association every zone whether manual or not is closely observe and impacted in actual operation by the exorc if required question the operator and their supervisor to collect further details about the job to clear doubt if any two keep face with the changing job curtain due to change...

methods of wages determination

of wages is recent follow me on in India there was no effective machinery until Second World War for settlement of disputes for faxation of this after independence of India Industrial Relations become a major issue and their was a increase in industrial dispute mostly our veges leading to substantial lose of production..

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Wefru Digital Diary built for the digitalized experience of the traditional diary., the Wefru Digital Diary for the ones who love writing Diary. a place where you can record personal events and experiences online.

What Is Wefru Digital Diary?

Digital diary Writing a daily record personal events and experiences online. Rather than keeping a traditional diary or notebook to express your thoughts and feelings, you can create a diary and make it available anywhere and everywhere, as long as you have access to the internet. The lock and key you once had on your teenage diary to keep out the unwanted eyes of your siblings and parents have now been replaced by a login and password. Digital diaries offer the mobility you need and the privacy you want. A digital diary is a place where you can record of your life is a good way to make sure your memories and experiences stay alive. It lets you keep track and reflect on your past and learn from your mistakes. It can also be tremendously therapeutic. Not only to record fun and adventurous moments, but also sad and scary times. It can be helpful to be able to document changes in your life in an online journal.

So, what exactly is a digital diary?

A digital diary is a place where you can record personal events and experiences online. Rather than keeping a traditional diary or notebook to express your thoughts and feelings, you can create a diary and make it available anywhere and everywhere, as long as you have access to the internet.

What is Wefru’s Digital Diary App and Software?

“Wefru Digital Diary” is a website and mobile app that allows you to create digital diaries for free online. The software allows you to write your diary with unlimited Space. “Wefru Digital Diary” allows you to be able to login to your diary through any computer or mobile device. With “Wefru Digital Diary”’s online diary software, you can jot down things from your office computer, as well as your personal one, without missing a beat. With “Wefru Digital Diary”’s digital diary app, you have the ability to freely express yourself right in the palm of your hand, no matter if you have an iPhone, iPad, Android phone or Android tablet. The website and app work in tandem through the digital journal software, allowing you to access your personal diary seamlessly on both.

How Do You Create An Online Digital Diary With Journey?

To fully experience the joys of making use of a digital diary, the diary must first be created. So how do you go about it?
  • 1. To start with, you should have a phone, computer or tablet and make sure you are connected to the Internet.
  • 2. Go on to create an account in and sign up.
  • 3. At this point, you have created an online digital diary with the Journey and you can automatically start writing.
  • 4. To create a note, click the + button, then write out your memories or whatever you desire in the blank space.
  • 5. Then use the buttons above the note to add extra information such as your mood, the weather, the date and time, etc.
  • 6. Once you are done, save your entry using the check mark.

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We only accept high quality content. So if you’re eyeing to be a guest author on our blog, please make sure to follow these guidelines -
  • Your submitted content is of high quality.
  • Post should be well written and proofread with no grammatical or spelling errors.
  • We love detailed articles, with a minimum word limit of 1000 words. Certain exceptions can be made in case of newsworthy content.
  • Case Studies
  • Articles need to be Copyscape passed and should not be published anywhere else.
  • Only include non-promotional links to relevant sources (maximum 2-3 links) in content body.
  • Topic should be related to digital marketing ( Business Growth, Business Operations, Business Strategy, Case Studies, Customer Service, Digital Marketing, E-Commerce, Finance, Learning, Legal, Marketing, Motivation, News & Update, People Management, Personality Development, Raising Funds, Retail, Sales, Self-promotion, Startups, Technology & Digitization, Trending, Others, etc.)
  • Topic should not be already covered on our blog.
  • You can share your author bio where you can add links to your website, blog and social profiles.