Transactional bulk SMS service provider in Meerut
Transactional bulk SMS Service provider
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Product / Service Description
Transactional bulk sms service: use  Transactional bulk SMS & manage Transaction  your business
I am Transactional bulk SMS service provider  freelancer in Meerut I provide Transactional bulk SMS services. We are providing Transactional bulk SMS service in Meerut and in the world promoting Transactional bulk SMS service business through Transactional bulk SMS. Transactional  bulk SMS service is a very easy and effective way to promote your business.  97% of bulk SMSs are read in the first 3 minutes of delivery after the Transactional SMS service provided by the freelancer. Promote your business with Transactional bulk SMS service  from Transactional  bulk SMS service provider in  meerut mart.   As the name implies Transactional bulk SMS service is for the sole purpose of promoting your services and products as well as Transactional bulk SMS services to build your brand value. Promote a new era through Transactional bulk SMS service and any business can promote this latest and effective means of marketing with provide Transactional bulk SMS.
Transactional bulk SMS used in Education critical financial otp sms verification E-commerce sms booking information etc..
Transactional SMS Features:
SMS Gateway Hub offers marketing SMS Services can be used by any company or individual to promote or advertise about a product or brand or services. Some of the features are listed below. 
Sanjeev pandey Transactional bulk SMS service provider in Meerut...
Brand Description
"Dear Visitor..!
Nice to meet you! firstly thanks all of you for presence on my profile. so you want to know about me. I am Sanjeev Pandey
" My passion for helping others through my solutions motivates me to keep going every single day- Sanjeev Pandey"
I have 8 years experience in SEO, Digital Marketing and Web Design. I started my career as a web designer. When I meet many MSMEs and small businesses about website design and I say that
When I meet many MSMEs, small businesses, manufacturers who make very good products, their product quality is even better than the product quality of good brands, due to lack of working space, they are working under the scorching sun of June-July without any roof, the products made by them are of good quality, they do not know that they will not get the right price for their products and in the end they go to some local trader and bring their products at a very low price and get the money for their product after 6 months
They do not know the power of online and they do not have money to make a website and get SEO done and they do not have a profile on any other online platform, even if they have, then due to lack of knowledge they do not get leads, the packages of online platforms are very expensive
Even if they get a website made, it is of no use because it is Google's It is not there in search result and on social media and other platforms, hence they do not renew their website due to lack of sales. So we thought of making such a platform where every business be it tailor, beautician or manufacturer can grow their business and get maximum orders. In today's date before buying any product, we check the details of that product on Google, hence if our products and services also appear on Google, then we will also get sales, hence I made a website which can easily bring orders for your business, it brings you on Google search result. I am the founder of wefru.com
*A competent professional with more than 6months of experience in digital marketing FB ads Adwords LinkedIn ads email marketing SEO & internet marketing, lead generation campaigns. Business graduate, result-focused, meticulous, and detail-oriented digital marketer. Proven track record of driving 55% of web-traffic through digital marketing campaigns.
Extensive digital industry knowledge leveraged to successfully run SEO and content campaigns. Contributed to customer gain and gave the employer an unbeatable competitive advantage.
I am an experienced and well-rounded digital marketeer with a proven background in branding, customer acquisition and relationship management for small and large scale companies. A well versed, slightly obsessive and experienced online marketer specializing in SEO, Search Engine Marketing, Google Adwords (PPC), Facebook Marketing and Conversion Rate Optimization.
I have expertise in Internet Marketing, Inbound Marketing and Marketing Project Management. I can help you with (but not limited):
- Digital marketing strategy; -
On Page SEO Optimization
- Inbound marketing strategy;
- Content marketing strategy;
- Email marketing + Automation;
- Web -analytics
- Click Funnels
- Social Media Management and Ads
*Proficient in leading dedicated team for running successful business operations and experience of developing procedures and service standards for business excellence.
exposure in charting out strategies and contributing to enhancing business growth and client satisfaction norms.
*An effective team player with exceptional communication and interpersonal skills.
*Website & competitors analysis
*Strong experience of keywords suggestion. familiar with Adwords keyword tool and other keyword suggestion tools
*Implementing on-page optimization with conversion optimization done at the foundation level of layout/design
*Project proposal building along with complete review & analysis reports
*Excellent knowledgebase with google analytics & ndash custom reporting intelligence annotation settings advanced segmentation
*Familiar with google webmaster tool: - submit web image mobile video sitemap: site configuration HTML suggestions malware crawl error: diagnostics etc.
*Knowledge of PPC advertising with Google Adwords.
*Well proficient in bulk email marketing ads creation and social content creation
*Monitoring website' s performance with google analytics google webmaster Alexa bing webmaster
*Familiar with google base/google merchant account and a bing shopping
*Sound knowledge of social bookmarking classified ads blog commenting RSS and forum submission article press release and directory submission.
*Well versed with SEO tools and plugins.
Expert in Search Engine Marketing (SEM),
Search Engine Optimization (SEO),
On-Page Optimization,
Keyword Research & Mapping,
Web Analytics,
Local Search Marketing,
Social Media Optimization,
Business Development.
I Work efficiently and honestly to deliver the best possible results for every job, big or small. I care about every job I work on, and will own the tasks at hand to ensure you are satisfied with the end result.
मुझे SEO, डिजिटल मार्केटिंग और वेब डिज़ाइनर में 8 साल का अनुभव है। मैंने वेब डिज़ाइनर के रूप में अपना करियर शुरू किया। जब मैं वेबसाइट डिज़ाइन के बारे में कई एमएसएमई और छोटे व्यवसायों से मिलता हूँ और कहता हूँ कि
जब मै बहुत सारे MSME, small business , Manufacture से मिलता हु जो की बहुत ही अच्छा Product बनाते है जो के अच्छे अच्छे ब्रांड के Product quality से भी अच्छी उनकी Product quality होती है, उनके पास working space न होने के वजह से जून-जुलाई की कड़ी धुप मे बिना किसी छत के निचे वो काम कर रहे है उनके दवारा बनाया गया अच्छी quality के Product होती है, उनको ये नहीं पता होता वो उनके प्रोडट्स की सही कीमत नहीं मिलेगी और अंत मे वो किसी लोकक ट्रेडर के पास जा कर बहुत कम कीमत अपना प्रोडट्स ला कर रख देते है ६ मंथ के बाद उनके प्रोडक्ट के पैसे मिलती है
ऑनलाइन के पावर का पता नहीं होता और उनके पास वेबसाइट बनवाने और SEO करवाने का पैसा नहीं होता और अन्य किसी ऑनलाइन प्लेट फॉर्म पर भी उनकी प्रोफाइल नहीं होती अगर होती है भी तो knowledge न होने के वजह से उनके लीड नहीं मिलती ऑनलाइन प्लैफॉर्म के पैकेगैस बहुत होता है
अगर वो वेबसाइट बनवा लेते भी फिर भी वो किसी काम की नहीं होती क्युकी वो गूगल की सर्च रिजल्ट और सोशल मीडिया व अन्य प्लेट फॉर्म पर नहीं होती इसलिए सेल न आने की वजह से वो अपनी वेबसाइट को रेनू नहीं करते। इसलिए हमने ये सोचा कोई ऐसा प्लेट फॉर्म बनाऊ जहा पर हर बिज़नेस चाहे वो दर्जी, ब्यूटिशियन या मनुफकरेर अपना बिज़नेस ग्रोथ कर पाए उनको जयादा से जयादा ऑर्डर्स मिल पाए आज की डेट मे हम कोई भी प्रोडक्ट खरीदने से पहले गूगल पर उस प्रोडट्स की डिटेल्स चेक करते है अतः हमारा भी प्रोडट्स और सर्विस अगर गूगल पर आये तो हमे भी सेल मिलेगी, इसलिए मैंने एक वेबसाइट बनायीं जोकी आसानी से आप के बिज़नेस के लिए ऑर्डर्स ला पाती है यह आप को गूगल के सर्च रिजल्ट पर लाती है मैं wefru.com का संस्थापक हूँ
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