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What do you mean by word processing

Word processing

word processing is the Paras used to describe using a computer to create edit and print document of all application what is the most commonly and accentively used to perform work processing you need a computer is special program called a word processor and a printer a word processor enable you to create a document store it electronically on it display it on a screen modify it by entering command and character from the keyboard and print it on a printer...

features of standard word processor

word processor that support only the above features are called tax editor most word processor however supported additional feature that enable you to main bullet and format document in more subsisticated wise these more advance from processor are sometimes called full featured processor full feature word processor usually support the following additional feature...

file management many word processor

contain file management capabilities that allow you to create delete more and search for files..

phone specification

my life to change fonts within a document for example you can specify ball and underlining most word processor also let you change the font size and even the typeface..


allow you to important illustration and grass into a document some word processor LED you create the illustration within the word processor other let you insert and illiteration produced by a different program..

Microsoft Word

Microsoft word is a graphical word processor program that user can type with it is design and developed by an American multinational technology and computer company Microsoft the purpose of MS Word is to allow the user to type and save documents similar to other word processor it contains some helpful tools and trade documents Microsoft word often called is word carries with a lot of application..

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