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Components factor affecting business environment

The factor affecting business environment

there are two board components of business environment which in f as the factor that affect business environment Rs fellows internal environment and external environment...

internal environment

refer to factor exciting within a business from the internal factor are generally regarded as controlable factor because the company has control over these factor it can alter or modified such factor as its personal physical facility organisation and functional means such as marketing mix to the environment there are a number of internal factor which influence the business decision which are as follow..

financial factor

factor life financial policies financial position and capital structure are important factor of internal environment affecting business performance Strategies and decision..

physical and human resource

the characteristic of the human resource like skill quality model committed attitude etc could contribute to the strange and weakness of a business environment initiative it is your people of different level of very form business to business..

objective of business

the objective of business domains of the company priorities direction of development business philosophy business policy etc are guided by the Museum and objective of the company...

external environment

external environmental refers to the factor exacting website the business from the external factor are by the large Bayan the control of a company the external or environmental factor such as the economic factor social factor environment and legal factor demographic factor Geo physical factor etc..

the various elements

of extra environment consist of the following micro environment and macronment micro environment up force which are close the company and effect its ability to constitute microe environment it is cannot as operating environment of business it consist of business immediate environment that effective the performance of company it include suppliers customer market competitors and public these factor may affect different from of the same industry in different wise..

macro environment

macro environment means general environment or business micro force are incontrollable in comparison to the micro force of the environment the growth of and survival of business depend upon it adaptability to micro environmental factor which include economic environment political environment social environment technology...

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